Permissions in multi-enterprise order cycles
This page will outline the varying powers each player has in an order cycle which involves multiple enterprises. Click here for content relating to order cycles involving a single producer selling their own stock (producer shop).
The coordinator has the highest degree of control over an order cycle. Other players (suppliers and distributors) can view the order cycles they are involved in, and edit the setting which affect them, but have restricted power to change broader setting of an order cycle.
The Coordinator
When the Coordinator of an order cycle is a hub, the full OC interface is loaded…
Create order cycles
Set and edit the name of the order cycle and the opening and closing dates.
Apply an enterprise fee to the coordinator.
* Once an order cycle is created, the coordinator cannot be changed.
The coordinator can add enterprises as suppliers. However, to do this the supplying enterprise must be a) valid (have verified their confirmation email) and b) have granted P-OC to the coordinator (see here).
They can select products from these suppliers to include in the order cycle.
They can apply enterprise fees to an incoming supplier.
The coordinator can add enterprise as outgoing distributors (including itself).
To do this the distributor must be:
Valid (have verified their confirmation email). Note: a warning message will show if this condition is not met.
Have selected the Hub Shop package type.
Have granted the coordinator P-OC (see here)
Have at least one active shipping and payment method. (a warning message will show if this condition is not met)
The coordinator can select products for each distributor to distribute. For a distributor to distribute the products of an incoming supplier, the supplier must have granted the distributing enterprise P-OC.
The coordinator can apply enterprise fees to an incoming supplier.
Supplying (Incoming) Enterprise
The supplier can view Order Cycles they’re involved with in their Order Cycle summary page. By clicking on the order cycle they can see details of the order cycle. Howerver, the supplier’s view of an order cycle is not complete, as it is for the coordinator. They will only see and be able to edit those elements of the order cycle which involve them. This includes the details of their incoming activities, and any instances where their products are included in a distributor’s outgoing activities.They cannot view the activities of other suppliers, or of outgoing distributors who are not distributing their products.
A supplier can view, but not edit the name and dates of an order cycle.
A supplier can view, add and remove products from their incoming exchange
A supplier can add/remove enterprise fees to their incoming exchange.
The degree of influence a supplier has over their products in outgoing, depends on the E2E links between them and the distributor.
If the outgoing distributor has granted the supplier P-OC then the supplier can view, add and remove products from the outgoing exchange.
If the outgoing distributor has not granted the supplier P-OC then the supplier can view, but not add or remove products from the outgoing exchange.
A supplier is never able to change the pickup/delivery details, or the enterprise fees applied to the distributor.
Distributing (Outgoing) Enterprise
A distributor can view Order Cycles they’re involved with in their Order Cycle summary page. By clicking on it they can see details of the order cycle. However, the distributor’s view of an order cycle is not complete, as it is for the coordinator. They will only see and be able to edit those elements of the order cycle which involve them. This includes their incoming suppliers and products, and their outgoing products, pickup/delivery details and enterprise fees. They cannot view the activities of other outgoing distributors or suppliers who have not granted them P-OC.
A distributor can view, but not edit the name and dates of an order cycle.
A distributor can view the incoming products of supplier who have granted them P-OC. However they cannot edit their availability, or apply enterprise fees.
The degree of influence a supplier has over their products in outgoing, depends on the E2E links between them and the distributor.
The distributor can add/remove products from its outgoing exchange. This only applies to product from producers who been added to the order cycle by the coordinator, and have granted P-OC to the distributor.
Can change the pickup/delivery details
Can add/remove their enterprise fee
* Currently it is only the coordinator that can add a producer to an order cycle.
Last updated
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